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First Day of School Logistics — 09.07.23

Writer: Mr. MastersonMr. Masterson

The first day of school is almost upon us! Shirley has emailed a couple times, but just a reminder for Day 1 ONLY. Post Day 1 details are below.


Entrance will take place at 5th Street & Avenue B. The doors will be open from 8:15 AM - 8:45 AM. Students who arrive after 8:45 AM should use the main entrance on 6th street.

  • All students in grades 6-8 will report to the GYM.

  • We will begin escorting students upstairs ~8:40 AM beginning with 6th grade.

  • Students will travel together as a grade to the 3rd floor and find their name on a poster outside their homeroom.

  • In homeroom, they will get first day logistics, introductions, orientation, and their initial student schedule.

  • We will follow a modified schedule for the day while students get (re)acclimated to school.


  • Directly following entrance procedures (~8:45 AM), all guardians in all grades are invited to join Sonhando and some guests for a meet and greet.

  • Location TBD.


  • All grades 6-8 will gather in the recess yard for our Opening Ribbon Ceremony at the end of the day.

  • We will dismiss ALL STUDENTS from the 4th Street Recess Yard gate (between Avenue B & C).

  • Dismissal will begin at approximately 3:20 PM.

  • PLEASE NOTE: We dismiss all students and do not hold students to wait for guardians/escorts. Please be sure to make a very clear plan with your child for pick up and make sure you're on time!

  • Administration will be at dismissal to support any students and families who might need it.


  • After the first day, we will resume our normal entrance and dismissal procedures:


  • Students will enter via Exit 1, half way down 6th street to the east of the main entrance walking toward Avenue C.

  • Students who wish to eat breakfast can enter at ~7:50 AM.

  • All other students will be allowed into the building at ~8:30 AM.

  • Prior to 8:30 AM, students will wait in line outside.


  • MON/WED/FRI @ 2:35 PM

  • TUE/THU @ 3:25 PM

  • Students will dismiss via the same door as entrance on 6th street half way down the block toward Avenue C.

  • We do not hold students or coordinate pick up, so please ensure you have a solid plan for pick up & communication if your child will need an escort.

  • If for any reason we need to change Entrance or Dismissal procedures, we will send an email and post a message to Class Dojo.


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