The first day of school is almost upon us! Shirley has emailed a couple times, but just a reminder for Day 1 ONLY. Post Day 1 details are below.
Entrance will take place at 5th Street & Avenue B. The doors will be open from 8:15 AM - 8:45 AM. Students who arrive after 8:45 AM should use the main entrance on 6th street.
All students in grades 6-8 will report to the GYM.
We will begin escorting students upstairs ~8:40 AM beginning with 6th grade.
Students will travel together as a grade to the 3rd floor and find their name on a poster outside their homeroom.
In homeroom, they will get first day logistics, introductions, orientation, and their initial student schedule.
We will follow a modified schedule for the day while students get (re)acclimated to school.
Directly following entrance procedures (~8:45 AM), all guardians in all grades are invited to join Sonhando and some guests for a meet and greet.
Location TBD.
All grades 6-8 will gather in the recess yard for our Opening Ribbon Ceremony at the end of the day.
We will dismiss ALL STUDENTS from the 4th Street Recess Yard gate (between Avenue B & C).
Dismissal will begin at approximately 3:20 PM.
PLEASE NOTE: We dismiss all students and do not hold students to wait for guardians/escorts. Please be sure to make a very clear plan with your child for pick up and make sure you're on time!
Administration will be at dismissal to support any students and families who might need it.
After the first day, we will resume our normal entrance and dismissal procedures:
Students will enter via Exit 1, half way down 6th street to the east of the main entrance walking toward Avenue C.
Students who wish to eat breakfast can enter at ~7:50 AM.
All other students will be allowed into the building at ~8:30 AM.
Prior to 8:30 AM, students will wait in line outside.
TUE/THU @ 3:25 PM
Students will dismiss via the same door as entrance on 6th street half way down the block toward Avenue C.
We do not hold students or coordinate pick up, so please ensure you have a solid plan for pick up & communication if your child will need an escort.
If for any reason we need to change Entrance or Dismissal procedures, we will send an email and post a message to Class Dojo.