The halls started bustling again this Thursday with the sounds of old friends excited to see each other after a long summer off and the sounds of fresh, squeaky clean new shoes for the year. We can't wait to catch up with the old faces and get to know the new ones. Here's a look at some important stuff to know for the beginning of the year. We will be sending out newsletters every two weeks, but you can always check out our website for up to date information.
Lots of upcoming dates to keep in mind, the year starts off in full swing! You can always view our TSMS calendar on our website or via this link if you need to plan further in advance.
Monday, September 12 • NO SCHOOL EID AL-ADHA
All schools will be closed next Monday in honor of Eid Al-Adha. Enjoy the long weekend and happy holidays to our Muslim community.
Monday, September 19 • SLT AND PTA
All of our community are invited to our first SLT (5 p.m.) and PTA (6 p.m.) meetings of the year. Come to discuss what's going on at TSMS. Also on the agenda is electing our co-president for the year.
Thursday, September 22 • CURRICULUM AND INTAKE NIGHT
Thursday, September 22 from 5-7:30 p.m., parents in all grades are invited to TSMS to hear about what their children will be learning for the year. Families will get an opportunity to meet teachers and ask questions they may have for the coming year. In 7th and 8th grade, you will meet only with your child's advisor. In 6th grade, families will travel in a modified schedule their child uses during the day.
Wednesday, September 28 • EARLY DISMISSAL DAY
Wednesday, September 28 will be our first Early Dismissal Day for professional development. Students will be dismissed at 12 p.m. or 12:55 p.m. after a bag lunch. If you would like your child to stay until our regular 2:35 dismissal, please e-mail or call Shirley.
Highlights and such...
We'd like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our families and students who have returned for the 2016-2017 School Year. A special welcome to our new families in the Class of 2019. Every year, the first day of school is an exciting time with much anticipation meeting our new crop of students. We look forward to spending time with you throughout the year and can't wait to have you as a part of our community.
We'd like to introduce you to some of our new staff members who have joined our team in a quest to make TSMS the best middle school in NYC!
Justine Jones, or Ms. Jones, is taking on teaching our 6th grade Science students with Pamela Flanagan (who we should also welcome back from her hiatus in Germany last year!). She will be working with all four teams on the 6th grade.
Rina Amos, or Ms. Amos, is taking on teaching our 7th grade Math students working with Rachel Gordon. She will be supporting teams Carbon, Oxygen, and Sodium. She will also be working part time with team Balance in Humanities.
Ms. Diaz is excited to be back at TSMS and is looking forward to working with all of our students in the counseling office, as well as supporting our 8th graders in the high school application process. She's got a new website up and running with updates ALREADY uploaded! The high school process happens very fast, so make sure you are staying up to date. If you haven't started already, talking to your child about high school on a regular basis is imperative to their success.
Every year, we start our year off with an assembly at the end of our first day to celebrate the diversity that exists in our school, but to also demonstrate our community coming together as one for the year. Ask your child how the ceremony went!